Girls Camp is all about friends! There’s no better way to make those lifelong BFFs than living in community, playing alongside each other, going to activities such as kayaking, canoeing, arts and crafts, discovery, archery, and riflery. To build community and great memories there will also be time for fishing, fossil hunting, ga-ga ball, tetherball, soccer, and many non-traditional games. Cabin life give campers a chance to live in a community and learn to take care of their space and get along with other campers.
After morning prayer, breakfast, and flags, it’s off to two morning activities such as fishing, archery, riflery, arts and crafts. Lunch and break time give a mid-day rest, followed by one more program block that includes water activities most days. There’s plenty of time to hang out and talk, write letters, and do crafts. Evenings are active with camp-wide activities such as capture the flag, and other great games created just for Tecaboca. Some evenings, girls try their hand at learning new skills and outdoor experiences.
Girls participate in Sunday Mass and attend daily prayer service. These daily prayer moments are co-lead by campers together with music ministers and camp staff. They learn hands on how to animate a Rosary, a meditation in nature, and many devotions that enrich the day to day life of the Girls Camp.
The bedrock statement for Tecaboca Girls Camp is “Mulier Dei” … be a Woman of God. Girls grow in Leadership, Honesty, Integrity, Humility, Fortitude, Loyalty, Obedience, and living in a Spirit of Service. As Proverbs 31:25 directs us, “She is clothed in Strength and Dignity,” which is the scriptural base of this camp program.
In this camp, there are cabin groups of eight similar aged campers and two counselors. This group forms an important part of a camper’s community. Campers try all activities, and two-week campers are able to refine their choices to their favorite ones.
Girls entering 7th-8th grades in the Fall semester. These girls participate in the full range of activities, with an opportunity to plan their days individually, and with their living community. They bunk in one of our bunkhouses, with a shower house nearby.